In the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt appointed Frances Perkins as the first woman on a presidential cabinet. Against...
Summoned: Frances Perkins and the General Welfare
Milton sits with a panel of students to discuss the always exciting topic of bureaucrats!
Tyranny of the Status Quo: Bureaucrats
'Beneficiaries' is the first part of the 'Tyranny of the Status Quo' series, featuring Dr. Friedman discussing topics with a select group of college...
Tyranny of the Status Quo: Beneficiaries
The final part of the 'Tyranny of the Status Quo' series features Dr. Friedman discussing politicians with a panel of students.
Tyranny of the Status Quo: Politicians
Dr. Friedman states, "There is not a single person in the world who can make this pencil." He explains that the creation of even a simple object -...
The Power of the Market