Zimmer mit Stall - Über alle Berge
In 1964, young Julia Welling is sent to Bavaria to create and manage a home for children. For the past of her father (a member of the Nazi party)...
Julia und der Offizier
Christmas! Every year, expectations are high again. And that's why a little dissatisfaction quickly becomes the deepest despair. "Over there, it's...
Obendrüber, da schneit es
In Munich's apartment building No. 23, one still shares in the joy and suffering of the neighbors. The single mother Miriam fell in love with the...
Was im Leben zählt
Sau Nummer vier. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
Paradies 505. Ein Niederbayernkrimi
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male...
Special Escort
Schwarzach 23 und der Schädel des Saatan
Verliebt in Valerie
An seiner Seite
The case of a young man found dead leads Inspector Cris Blohm and her colleague Dennis Eden into the amateur porn scene and to Mia, the daughter of...
Jenseits des Rechts
What if nobody wants to believe you? Hanni, a farmer's wife and mother of three, is worried about her daughter Magdalena. The girl is smaller than...
The Unheard Woman