O pokladech
Soukromá věc
Hledání v prachu
Cesta za pohárem
Osoba blízká
Chuť na rozinky
Měsíční údolí
Město mé naděje
A drama that tells the story of the physician and politician MUDr. František Kriegel, the hero of the Prague Spring of 1968, who was arrested...
The Man Who Stood In the Way
Žhavou stezkou
Libeňský čaroděj
The accountants at a agricultural cooperative near Prague have completed the calculation of wages. The driver with the cashier are leaving for a bank...
Kdo přichází před půlnocí
An only son, Jirí Valenta (Jaromír Hanzlík), has been drafted to the army. At the barracks he acquires the nickname Seamstress...
Dva muži hlásí příchod
Zatímco Kendy se jako pomocný režisér vrací do rodného města natáčet s televizním...
How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives
Od večera do rána
It is 1961 and an Albanian student (Nik Xhelilaj) of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, together with a group of Czech students, is shooting...
The Sorrow of Mrs. Schneider
Jak Matýsek přehodil výhybku
Velikonoční dovolená
Lucky Loser
O babičce
"A man is immortal as long as he lives in the memory of others,” said well-known Czech writer Arnošt Lustig with a wry smile. In...
The Presence of Arnošt Lustig
Maturita za školou
An ordinary man with an ordinary job, ordinary family and ordinary affair has an unordinary day after he signes the Charta 77.
The Motive for Murder
Lubos, an Alpine rescue worker, surprises his delighted daughter Amálka with an early return to Prague. Her joy leads her to skip school,...
Taming Crocodiles
Případ mrtvého muže
Královské usínání
Tajemná Arizona
Akce Rys
Bezvousák a princezna Kamila
Ještě větší blbec, než jsme doufali
The Magpie in the Wisp
Výjimečná situace
Sofie a ukradený poklad
A Soul to Redeem
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That...
Bastardi III
Kráska a netvor 1950
Telling the story of Archimedes, one of thousands of refugees who left Greece for Czechoslovakia at the end of the 1940s, as the Greek civil war...
My Uncle Archimedes
Zrcadlo nenávisti
Bastardi 2
Mobilizace Luboše Dobrovského
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and...
The Secret of a Great Narrator
On November 25, 1940, the SS Patria sank in the port of Haifa killing 267 people. The ship was carrying almost 1,800 Jewish refugees from...
The Story of the Shipwrecked from the Patria
Francin, manager of a small-town brewery, has a charming wife whose abundant blonde locks are an adornment to the town. Maryska looks ethereal but...
Cutting It Short
Pan herec Miroslav Donutil
Profíci aneb Když nejsou lidi
Tenký led
Jan Potměšil: Nikdy bych neměnil
Druhý tah pěšcem
Přátelé bermudského trojúhelníku
Removal of Soviet troops from our territory. Authentic views of the soldiers, the atmosphere, ideals and a contemporary commentary on the end of an...
End of Endless Times