Do posledného dychu
Visiting Slovakian Racha to get antiquated with Slovakian wine-making techniques, Rachvelian from Georgia, Zauri, falls in love with Slovak Darina....
Racha, My Love
Súkromná vojna
Dvere dokorán
Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
Poéma o svedomí
Pustý dvor
The drama of the last days of the second world war through the eyes of children in rural areas.
Great Times
Psia zima
Po deviatich rokoch
Social ballad. Three short stories – "Uzlík tepla", "Chlapec a pánboh" and "Rubári" – depict three different human...
Uzlíky nádeje
Timon Aténsky
Víťazný pád
Choď a nelúč sa
Blízke diaľavy
Smrť šitá na mieru
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the...
Three Daughters
Vraj cholera!
Television film about people who are actively involved in the Slovak national uprising in 1944. A screen adaptation of the novel by Rudo Moritz in...
Priehrštie vzdychov
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Miško drotár a naozajstná princezná
Stôl pre štrnástich
Kapitán Dabač
Leto na Rovniach
O všetečnom zvedavcovi
Podobizeň prvej lásky
Smrť chodí po horách
Slnko vychádza nad Prašivou
Strieborný Neptún
Vždy možno začať
Tam za lesem
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro...
Apollón z Bellacu
A story of two old friends, who after ten years - one as the deputy director and the other as the chairman of the party organization - meet on a...
A fairy-tale about the power of love. The old king Pravoslav feels it is time to entrust the rule over his kingdom to one of his three daughters -...
Salt & Gold
Výlet do mladosti
Senzi mama
Film adaptation of Rudolf Jašík's novel of the same name. The plot of the film is situated in the forties of our century, in the first...
Saint Elizabeth Square
Smrť prichádza v daždi
Jeden deň pre starú paniu
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to...
Majster kat
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
Zbojnícky tanec
Šesť postáv hľadá autora
Volanie démonov
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to...
A Pact with the Devil
Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the...
Traja svedkovia
Kamenná bolesť
Statky zmätky
Čenkovej deti
Odolať mrazu
Anjel prichádza oknom
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
Zeleň kráľ
Majster zlodejského cechu
Posledný pohárik
Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky
Krásna Pramíla
Láska sesterská
Sny podľa Renoira
Neistá sezóna
Vietor v starých stromoch
Vládca Oidipus
„A“ ako Alžbeta
Smrť malomeštiaka
Zem nezasľúbená
Dosť dobrí chlapi
Hľadači svetla
The film captures the new events in the lives of the main characters of the film "The Copper Tower". After two years spent in prison because of...
Eagle Feather
Horúci dych
Portrét chlapca
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
A coming of age story of a thirteen years old teenager and a summer of his first love.
Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Aký požičaj – taký vráť
Klenovič Ján
Chlapec z majera
Mŕtvi maturovať nebudú
Najstarší zo všetkých vrabcov
Vojak a bratove slzy
O láske a slávikoch
Jablčná Siska
Dve slobodné bez záväzku
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Marka Nalezenka
Cesta ženy
Deň, ktorý neumrie
Do zbrane, kuruci
Ohnivé križovatky
Sokoliarova dcéra
Spoločník pána veľkomožného
Starý včelár
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with...
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Tetované časom
Život na úteku
Podivné okolnosti
Rodinná anamnéza
Mŕtvi učia živých
A family saga taking place mostly in a small Slovak village over a period of thirty years (1887–1917). The first part captures the life of...
The Millennial Bee
Celý svet nad hlavou
O hlúpej žene
Žakýlska Veronka
The film consists of two parts: “Insomnia” and “Departure”. We shall meet Lev Tolstoy in the final years of his life at...
Lev Tolstoy
The Sultan awaits the arrival of his son, Prince Omar, who has brought up in a distant land. The master tailor and his assistances are making clothes...
The False Prince
Zločin v Modré hvězdě
Krutá ľúbosť
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Vianoce Adama Boronču
Keď báčik z Chochoľova umrie
Film shows the struggle of the Czechoslovak armed forces against groups of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) under command Burlak, who tried to pass...
Action B
O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
Džbán plný ambrózie
V predvečer
Zlatá réva
Člny proti prúdu
Škriatok Kuzma
Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
Humánna povinnosť
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State...
The Wooden Village
Brezová víla